Archives for December 2013

Sintel at Seattle International Film Festival

The cinema where Sintel screens has digital 4k projection, I’m working with them getting this formatted right and delivered. Would be a real ...

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Sintel at Seattle International Film Festival

The cinema where Sintel screens has digital 4k projection, I’m working with them getting this formatted right and delivered. Would be a real ...

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Sintel at Seattle International Film Festival

The cinema where Sintel screens has digital 4k projection, I’m working with them getting this formatted right and delivered. Would be a real ...

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Sintel at Seattle International Film Festival

The cinema where Sintel screens has digital 4k projection, I’m working with them getting this formatted right and delivered. Would be a real ...

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Sintel at Seattle International Film Festival

The cinema where Sintel screens has digital 4k projection, I’m working with them getting this formatted right and delivered. Would be a real ...

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